마닐라 레드도어즈 플러스 @ 1318 레지던스 (RedDoorz Plus @ 1318 Residences) 후기 및 리뷰

최근 5개의 리뷰

“숙박을 위한 방이 필요하다면 이곳이 좋은 장소입니다. 예산 친화적이며 음식 스탠드와 다른 지역까지 도보 거리입니다. 전기가 조금 타이트하다는 것에 유의하십시오. 이는 로드 가능하기 때문에 전원이 꺼지고 1 분 후에 다시 시작됩니다. 전반적으로 좋은 숙박과 깨끗합니다.”

“보증금을 요구하는 것 외에는 모든 것이 훌륭했습니다. 여기에는 호텔 정책에 명시되어 있지 않았기 때문에 저는 이에 대해 인식하지 못했습니다. 저와 같이 현금을 많이 가지고 다니지 않는 사람들에게는 특히 은행 이체를 하지 않는 경우 이를 공개하는 것이 매우 중요합니다. 보증금 없이 체크인을 허용해준 스태프에게 감사드립니다.”

“If there’d be an option for no star, I would choose that.

I recently stayed at an accommodation in Manila that left much to be desired. To provide a fair assessment, I want to give a detailed account of my experience.

I typically refrain from leaving negative reviews, but this stay was disappointing enough to give feedback. I booked a 3-day stay at this accommodation through Agoda due to its proximity to University of the East. However, locating the place was a challenge, despite its supposed close proximity to the school. It took me an excessive amount of time to find the accommodation, which was particularly stressful as I was not from Manila and had just arrived after a flight.

During my search for the accommodation, I attempted to contact the host for assistance and clarification regarding room availability, but I never received a response. By the time I finally checked in, I was exhausted and eager to settle in. However, upon entering my room, I was immediately disappointed. The room had an unpleasant odor, and upon inspecting the bathroom, I found leftover shampoo and accumulated dusts. Additionally, the remote control was broken, which made me question whether the staff had thoroughly inspected the room prior to my arrival. My attempts to contact the staff by phone were unsuccessful, adding to my frustration and fatigue.

The following day, I bumped into the receptionist, Mr. Farly at the elevator, and informed him of the issues with the shower drainage and requested room cleaning. I was taken aback when he suggested that I personally remove the drain cover. (What?? They don’t have housekeepers???!! )I even placed a door sign to ensure that the room, particularly the bathroom, would be cleaned. However, upon my return, I was dismayed to find that neither the room nor the shower area had been cleaned. Determined to remain understanding, I made an effort by myself to address the issues with the shower as instructed by him, despite feeling let down by the staff’s lack of responsibility.

In the absence of door mats, the shower room remained unclean, with evidence of shampoo residue and stray hairs. The situation worsened on my last night when I encountered a severe drainage problem in the shower, culminating in the water overflowing. After attempting to rectify the issue myself and discovering a significant amount of hair clogging the drain, I realized that the upkeep of the accommodation fell considerably short of acceptable standards. Imagine, I need to get the strainer by myself and wow! To my surprises, I saw a lots of hair so I have no choice but to remove it in order to make the water flow better but unfortunately it doesn’t work. This was especially disappointing for me, as someone with experience in the hospitality industry.

Unfortunately, I regret not being able to document the conditions with photographs, as the room was in dire need of a thorough cleaning. My overall assessment of the staff’s performance is one of incompetence, unprofessionalism, and a lack of attentiveness to guests’ needs. I would never recommend this place to my friends and to others people who plan to boom their stay here. “

“The facility was very clean! The only thing that needs improvement is the TV who does not have any channels available. Nevertheless, it was a great experience there and I would come back if given another chance “

“My only complaint was water became unavailable for a significant amount of time on 2nd day.
Best location and clean, safe building and rooms
Booked it mainly for the board exam”

클릭하여 최저가 확인!

레드도어즈 플러스 @ 1318 레지던스 (RedDoorz Plus @ 1318 Residences)

기본 정보

  • 주소: 1318 F. Castonas Street, 삼팔록, 마닐라, 필리핀, 1015
  • 평점: 7.2 – 우수
  • 숙소 청결 상태: 8.8, 부대시설: 8.5, 위치: 8.8, 서비스: 9.0, 가격 대비 만족도: 8.9

편의 정보

  • 대중교통(420m 거리)
  • 무료 Wi-Fi (모든 객실)
  • 일일 청소 서비스
  • 리넨

레드도어즈 플러스 @ 1318 레지던스 (RedDoorz Plus @ 1318 Residences)

클릭하여 최저가 확인!


가까운 공항

  • 니노이 아키노 국제공항 (MNL)(10.27 km)
  • 클라크 국제공항 (CRK)(80.11 km)

버스 및 기차역

  • 레가르다역 (MRT 2)(380 m)
  • 푸레자역 (MRT 2)(1.02 km)


  • Karen dental(330 m)


  • 로빈슨 플레이스 마닐라(3.2 km)


  • 7 Eleven(180 m)

현금 인출기

  • ATM(80 m)

클릭하여 최저가 확인!

시설 정보

숙소에서 사용 가능한 언어

  • 영어
  • 타갈로그어


  • 무료 Wi-Fi (모든 객실)
  • 인터넷

식음료 시설/서비스

  • 생수(병)

서비스 및 편의 시설

  • 금연 숙소
  • 엘리베이터
  • 일일 청소 서비스
  • 청구서 제공
  • 흡연 구역

청결 및 안전

  • 공용 구역의 안전 보호막
  • 공용 문구류 비치 제외
  • 구급상자
  • 리넨 및 세탁물 온수 세탁
  • 매일 소독
  • 모든 객실 매일 소독
  • 소독 후 객실 봉인
  • 손 소독제
  • 신체적 거리 두기 (최소 1m)
  • 안전한 식사 환경 조성
  • 안티 바이러스 청소 용품
  • 직원 대상 안전 규정 교육
  • 직원의 안면 보호 장구 착용
  • 투숙 간 객실 소독
  • 투숙객 및 직원 대상 체온 측정

출입/접근 서비스

  • 24시간 경비 서비스
  • 공용 구역 내 CCTV
  • 금연 객실
  • 반려동물 동반 가능
  • 소화기 (Fire extinguisher)
  • 안전/보안 시설/서비스
  • 연기 감지기

모든 객실에서 이용 가능

  • TV
  • Wi-Fi (무료)
  • 개별 에어컨
  • 구급상자
  • 금연
  • 리넨
  • 무료 생수
  • 샤워실
  • 세면도구
  • 소화기
  • 전화기
  • 타월
  • 프라이빗 욕실
  • 휴지통

클릭하여 최저가 확인!