올랜도 (FL) 엔칸타다 – 더 오피셜 CLC 월드 리조트 (Encantada – The Official CLC World Resort) 후기 및 리뷰

최근 5개의 리뷰

“We visited this location for the first time for Thanksgiving and I really wish I could give this place a 5 star rating howeverrrrr the refrigerator being broken and the AC going in and out, no access to toilet paper etc put a damp on the rating score . Being that we were here for thanksgiving was the main reason I dropped my rating normally we would t even use the refrigerator or the stove while on vacation. Toilet paper let’s just say ask for more on arrival or go to the front and get some or bring your own we had 1 roll with a registered 7 guests for 4 days. For the refrigerator well it was broke when we got there it chilled for 3 hours and remained broke during our stay food went bad and it was stink from the smell. I tried to explain to maintenance but he said he couldn’t speak English same for the next maintenance and the next that I tried talking too so I finally gave up. The private pool area can use some cleaning it was a little colored and not blue water lol. Overall the place and space is amazing beds a little hard but whatever and I was in 8554 so maybe other townhomes are different idk but never the less we enjoyed our stay! “

“The place itself was clean but the washrooms were a different story when you think it should be clean it was not the toilet boil had mold growing and same with the shower skirts and as a parent who has 2 out of 3 kids with severe allergies to mold my wife and i went out and bought supplies to clean it ourself and also make sure you have the right amount of amentities as in towels or other stuff because if they do not get the correct amount back you can be subject to charges also the hot tub worked off and on, also i had reported that our master bedroom door jam was split apart they did fix the problem right away but only to return home late that night and found our front door unlocked that was very upsetting. If it was not for my trip being fully booked and having younger kids i would of asked for a refund and went somewhere else leaving the front door unlocked is not acceptable at all and there was no attempt of even a proper apology or even the person that did it to come speak to us thankfully nothing was missing. “

“The resort is very convenient to all of the theme parks. The Resort was also beautiful. My problem was with the Customer Service and the Management team as I had to wipe out the dresser drawers because there was residue inside them, I had to scour a pot I had no idea what residue was in there, the refrigerator freezer had to be called on several occasions throughout the week before they replaced it in which many of my food in the freezer were ruined. When I spoke to Management, I asked to waive just the resort fees only as compensation, And now I have to sit down on my time and go through each item that I threw away from the freezer. Horrible customer service by Aylin and her management team Because every day I was there I had an issue and there was no resolution other than replacing the refrigerator on day three – almost 4.”

“This app says 100 in extra fees charged for cleaning. No other fees… I already paid my taxes etc when booking.
I get there, 300 extra to stay, no refunds. They then gave me someone else’s home address, not the address of my rental for the night. That was more than awkward trying to break into someone’s home.
The staff ran to the persons home to let me know they had messed up on the address and location of my rental.
Once I got into my rental, my get stuck to the floor and I was hit with a horrible smell of mold and urine. There was multiple different hairs and hairballs all over the place, the showers and most of the rental had black mold, the air return register had fallen in the floor along with the dirty filter. I’m allergic to both mold and dust. So that was a fun allergic reaction and seizure.
The patio area was nasty and full of safety hazards. Broken screen door, sharp metal pieces on the ground, mold, slimey steps going into a busted up and moldy hot tub. Black mold and debris on the house, concrete, and screened in patio.
Food and stains on the furniture, dirty bed sheets, I ended up sleeping in my car, I couldn’t stay in the house.
The registration desk was no help on getting a refund of my fees they charged me. I’m still waiting for this app to refund a total of 406.54 when it was only supposed to cost 178.24”


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엔칸타다 - 더 오피셜 CLC 월드 리조트 (Encantada - The Official CLC World Resort)

기본 정보

  • 주소: 3070 Secret Lake Dr, 디즈니- 메인게이트 웨스트, 올랜도 (FL), 미국, 34747
  • 평점: 7.8 – 좋음
  • 숙소 청결 상태: 7.4, 부대시설: 7.5, 위치: 8.6, 서비스: 7.6, 가격 대비 만족도: 7.6

편의 정보

  • 무료 Wi-Fi (모든 객실)
  • 온수 욕조
  • 발코니/테라스
  • 에어컨

엔칸타다 - 더 오피셜 CLC 월드 리조트 (Encantada - The Official CLC World Resort)

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가까운 공항

  • 키시미 게이트웨이 공항 (ISM)(19.6 km)
  • 윈터 헤븐스 길버트 공항 (GIF)(32.61 km)

버스 및 기차역

  • Poinciana(16.74 km)


  • Celebration Colorectal – Florida Hospital(8.76 km)

현금 인출기

  • ATM(290 m)

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시설 정보

인기 시설/서비스

  • 실외 수영장
  • 패밀리룸

숙소에서 사용 가능한 언어

  • 영어
  • 스페인어
  • 프랑스어

장애인 접근 편의 관련

  • 휠체어 접근 가능


  • Wi-Fi (공용 구역)
  • 무료 Wi-Fi (모든 객실)
  • 인터넷
  • 인터넷 서비스

액티비티 및 레저 활동

  • 낚시
  • 다트보드
  • 당구대
  • 수영장 시설
  • 실외 수영장
  • 야외 레크리에이션 시설/서비스
  • 여행 안내소
  • 오락실
  • 온수 욕조
  • 전망이 있는 수영장
  • 정원
  • 탁구대
  • 피트니스 센터

청결 및 안전

  • 객실 소독 제외 가능
  • 공용 문구류 비치 제외
  • 리넨 및 세탁물 온수 세탁
  • 매일 소독
  • 무현금 결제 서비스
  • 소독 후 객실 봉인
  • 손 소독제
  • 신체적 거리 두기 (최소 1m)
  • 안전한 식사 환경 조성
  • 안티 바이러스 청소 용품
  • 위생 인증
  • 전문 수준 소독 서비스
  • 주방 및 식기류 소독
  • 직원 대상 안전 규정 교육
  • 투숙 간 객실 소독

식음료 시설/서비스

  • Snack bar
  • 레스토랑
  • 바(Bar)
  • 식료품 배달 서비스
  • 자동판매기
  • 주류
  • 풀사이드 바
  • 해피아워

서비스 및 편의 시설

  • 공용 구역 내 난방
  • 공용 구역 내 냉방
  • 공용 라운지/TV 시청 구역
  • 금연 숙소
  • 비즈니스 센터 내 복사기/팩스
  • 안전 금고
  • 엘리베이터
  • 여행 가방 보관 서비스
  • 음식 배달
  • 장애인용 편의 시설/서비스
  • 청구서 제공
  • 컨시어지
  • 테라스
  • 편의점
  • 현금 인출기
  • 회의/연회 시설
  • 흡연 구역

아동용 시설/서비스

  • 놀이터
  • 아동용 수영장
  • 아동용 식사
  • 패밀리룸

육상 스포츠

  • 골프장(3 km 이내)

출입/접근 서비스

  • 24시간 경비 서비스
  • 24시간 상시 체크인
  • 공용 구역 내 CCTV
  • 금연 객실
  • 반려동물 동반 가능
  • 반려동물 동반 가능(유료)
  • 보조 동물 허용
  • 소화기 (Fire extinguisher)
  • 숙소 외부 CCTV
  • 연기 감지기

이동 편의 시설/서비스

  • 숙소 내 주차장
  • 전기차 충전소
  • 주차장(무료)

모든 객실에서 이용 가능

  • Wi-Fi (무료)
  • 객실 내 안전 금고
  • 거울
  • 냉장고
  • 다림질 도구
  • 리넨
  • 무료 생수
  • 발코니/테라스
  • 샤워실
  • 세면도구
  • 세탁기
  • 에어컨
  • 욕조
  • 위성 방송/케이블 방송
  • 전용 출입구
  • 커피/티 메이커
  • 타월
  • 풀키친
  • 프라이빗 욕실
  • 헤어드라이어

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